Broiled Lemon Flounder (Kid Friendly Fish!)

24 Feb

Let’s face it, if you are eating a salad (again) and your son is across the table chowing down on spinach and cheese ravioli coated in real parmigiano and a schmutz of butter…you are secretly hoping he doesn’t finish so you can have just a little, just a taste…

Marinating in oil and lemon

Marinating in oil and lemon

So I am very much looking for more dishes we can eat together and that don’t tempt me into carbohydrate sin while I am trying to work on those troglodytes, I mean, triglycerides that my doctor says I need to reduce. And really, I want to reduce the number of dishes I prepare and have to wash up after!

Topped with a bit of cilantro

Topped with a bit of cilantro

My son and I both like fish and there’s nothing easier on “Wild-Caught Wednesdays” (he is determined to have an established pattern for each dinner of the week, which is kind of scary) than a bit of flounder filet. I call these flat white filets “entry-level fish” since they are so mild that most everyone likes them.  “Inoffensive” is perhaps not a ringing endorsement for any fish dish, but if you are someone who has fussy kids this is a good place to start. We usually have them coated in flour or crumbs and pan-fried, but this was a welcome change and required almost no prep which is great as we don’t get home from activities until about 6 pm and are ravenous.

We had them with broiled asparagus; you can do them together by rubbing the asparagus in olive oil and putting them on an oven tray with a rack or a rimmed oven dish for exactly the same amount of time as the fish, then sprinkling with salt. I had a bit of rice already made, so just heated that up on the stove for the boy while the broiling was going on. Success!

Swimming in oil and lemon! Easy marinade. that honors the delicate fish

Swimming in oil and lemon! Easy marinade. that honors the delicate fish

Lemon Flounder Filets (factor in 30 minutes to marinate, if you have the time)

3-4 flounder filets (or other white flat fish, such as tilapia)

1 Tbs olive oil

1 Tbs fresh squeezed lemon juice

1 tsp Adobo powder

1 pinch salt per filet

1 grating pepper per filet

1 tsp chopped cilantro or flat-leaf parsley

optional: shavings of butter

Pat fish dry. Whisk together lemon and olive oil until emulsified and pour over filets. Refrigerate for anywhere up to 30 minutes.

Preheat oven to broil.

Sprinkle Adobo, salt, and pepper to both sides of fish. Lay on an oven tray with rack. Broil for 8-10 minutes (do not turn over) until all translucence is gone. Carefully lift onto individual serving plates (preferably warmed) and sprinkle with cilantro or parsley and serve topped with a bit of butter, if desired.

You may also like:

Perfect Grilled Fish

Aruban-Style Pan-Fried Filets

Best Choices for Sustainable Seafood – Pocket Guides

12 Responses to “Broiled Lemon Flounder (Kid Friendly Fish!)”

  1. Conor Bofin March 4, 2014 at 4:04 pm #

    I love the ‘if you have the time’. There speaks the mom of young ones.

  2. Natalia at Hot, Cheap & Easy March 3, 2014 at 12:54 am #

    Reblogged this on Hot, Cheap & Easy and commented:

    Made this for dinner again last night…and it was so successful that I thought I should remind you of it!

  3. Bam's Kitchen (@bamskitchen) February 26, 2013 at 4:03 am #

    Flounder is such a delicate white fish. I am all about making things kid friendly but is it teenager super picky “the world revolves around me “friendly… LOL Take care, BAM

  4. Mad Dog February 25, 2013 at 10:16 am #

    They sound delicious – I hope you’ll be eating carbs again soon 😉

    • Natalia at Hot, Cheap & Easy February 25, 2013 at 3:08 pm #

      It’s not as though I am seriously giving them up…but I’d sooner cut bread and pasta than wine, which is the alternative…

      • Mad Dog February 25, 2013 at 4:09 pm #

        Ha ha – yeah, I’d do the same 😉

  5. Bluejellybeans February 24, 2013 at 10:50 am #

    La verdad es que no suelo comprar lenguado, pero este viernes (de Cuaresma) será tu receta la que tomemos para comer 😉

  6. Karen February 24, 2013 at 10:22 am #

    I love flounder and we had almost the same meal the other evening…I think it is delicious.

    • Natalia at Hot, Cheap & Easy February 24, 2013 at 10:46 am #

      We had it a lot as kids while my parents ate stronger stuff, like mackerel and kingfish. It makes me happy!

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