Which Valentine’s Day Dinner Would You Choose?

13 Feb

Love it or hate it, on Valentine’s Day, meals are momentous occasions that take on a significance far beyond what is healthy.

A lot rides on your choice, because no matter what you choose, it is colored by the excitement, anxiety, and energy of this emotionally manipulative day. You can’t help but review the current state of your romantic life, even if you spend the other 364 days a year trying not to think about it. For some, there is a lot of dissatisfaction to be chewed over on a day like today, while for others it can be a chance to review how much love you are surrounded by; familial and friendship love is not any less powerful that the heated passionate kinds of love (and can be a lot more rewarding and long lasting).

I myself am heading for the local Dominican restaurant with my son, who is the light of my life and still young enough to want to sit across the table from me.  I don’t want to cook or clean and I want to be cozy and relaxed. I am still on the fence about eat-in versus takeaway.

So….if you could choose your preferred dining style for Valentine’s Day, what would it be? Let us know through this poll. Choose as many answers as you like….or make up your own!

And Happy Valentine’s Day to all. Wishing you peace, joy, and love (and good food)


6 Responses to “Which Valentine’s Day Dinner Would You Choose?”

  1. easy meals for dinner March 13, 2012 at 5:12 pm #

    Hi There Hotcheapeasy,
    Along the same lines,, I just wanted to get a few ideas on what to make for dinner for my husband this Valentine’s Day. We usually go out to eat but I wanted to make it more special and romantic and do it at home, and I am not sure what would be a romantic dinner to make. And what desserts would just drive a man crazy??? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

  2. Ashley February 13, 2012 at 7:40 pm #

    Something nice and special out…and then finish the evening at home with a homemade dessert and wine:)

  3. Paul Murray February 13, 2012 at 7:35 pm #

    A porterhouse steak for two and peanut butter chocolate fondue. Plus a nice bold red wine (or two)!!

    • Natalia at Hot, Cheap & Easy February 13, 2012 at 7:37 pm #

      oooooh that’s good – minus the peanut butter…

      • Paul Murray February 13, 2012 at 7:41 pm #

        That’s what I would have thought but the peanut butter gave it an extra dimension.

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