Revive Prosecco or Champagne Bubbles with Raisins

16 Jul

Since I am not a quitter, since I am a person who finishes what she starts, it’s been a long time since I have had to resort to this trick.

When I open a bottle of prosecco or champagne, it is always with a friend (or several) and there’s never anything left in the bottle by the end of the party. But yes, it sometimes happens that you just can’t finish by bedtime and you regretfully stick the bottle in the fridge, bidding adieu to those marvellous, fine, fizzy bubbles, and promising to have a quick mimosa in the morning with the now-fairly-flat wine.

Thanks to Kim for providing these fab flutes....from the Patchogue-Medford prom of 1991! (Apparently yes, they gave out champagne glasses at the h.s. prom back in the day!)

Thanks to Kim for providing these fab flutes….from the Patchogue-Medford prom of 1991! (Apparently yes, they gave out champagne glasses at the h.s. prom back in the day!)


But morning comes and goes and kids need tending and driving around and there’s just no time or place for that mimosa. And yet you can’t just toss the remaining wine!

Here’s how to salvage the bubbles in your bubbly.

Drop 2-3 raisins in the glass you intend to drink from. Pour in the prosecco or champagne. Watch as bubbles miraculously surround the raisins and begin to stream to the top, just like last night!

What is happening? The CO2 that makes the bubbles in sparkling wines will be attracted to the raisins, accumulate there and form bubbles that head upward. Et voila, the sparkle is back in your life!

Notes: 1) Some folks put the raisins in the bottle just as the wine is getting flat. I haven’t tried this, but would love to know if you have. 2) Also, some folks will toss a raisin in a fresh glass of champagne to watch the raisin float hypnotically up and down the glass, akin to watching a lava lamp or a fish tank. 3) I prefer prosecco to champagne these days for its softness, price, and lower alcohol content. 4) prosecco mixes wonderfully with many different fruit juices!

Look at that plume pf bubbles!

Look at that plume pf bubbles!

6 Responses to “Revive Prosecco or Champagne Bubbles with Raisins”

  1. Karen July 18, 2013 at 12:07 pm #

    What a great tip…I like the bubbles!

  2. Conor Bofin July 17, 2013 at 5:37 pm #

    Excellent idea. Better than drinking the bottle and then throwing the lava lamp into the fish tank.

  3. Mad Dog July 16, 2013 at 3:40 pm #


  4. Natalia at Hot, Cheap & Easy July 17, 2013 at 9:29 am #

    Thanks for the link up…


  1. 2014 PROSECCO WINE GIFTS Review - July 16, 2013

    […] Revive Prosecco or Champagne Bubbles with Raisins | Hot, Cheap … […]

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